Privacy Policy Procomat B.V.

We see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page you can read which data we collect when you use the website and/or products and services of Procomat BV and why we collect this data. Procomat B.V. respects the privacy of all users of its website and services and ensures that the personal information you provide is handled confidentially. Procomat BV acts in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation.

Who is Procomat BV?
Procomat BV is a private company, established and having its registered office in Best and registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 61280887.

Procomat BV processes personal data about you because you visit our website, show interest in our products and services or purchase products from us, use our services and/or because you or your employer provides this information to us.

Below an overview of the personal data that we process:
– Company name
– First and last name
– Address data
– Telephone number
– E-mail address
– Information about your activities on our website
– List of contact details via an app
– IP address
– Internet browser and device type

Why we need data
Procomat BV processes personal data for the following purposes:
– Deliver products and/or services to you;
– Handle payments;
– Send our newsletter and/or advertising brochures;
– Be able to call you if this is necessary to perform our services;
– Inform you about changes to our services and products;

How long we keep data
Procomat BV will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data are collected.

Share with others
Procomat BV shares your personal data with third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement and to comply with a possible legal obligation.

Mapping website visit
Procomat BV only uses technical and functional cookies and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remembers your preferred settings. We can also use this to optimize our website. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously saved via the settings of your browser.

View, modify or delete data
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You can send a request for inspection, correction or removal to To ensure that the request for inspection has been made by you, we request that you send a copy of your proof of identity with the request. We hereby ask you to make your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN) black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy. Procomat BV will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks.

Procomat BV takes the protection of your data serious and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized change(s). If you feel that your data is not properly protected or there are indications of abuse, please contact us via

Procomat B.V.
De Donge 2b, 5684 PX Best, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 499 747003

© Copyright Procomat B.V. 2017 - 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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